Andrea Richichi's Homepage (frame 1)

Andrea Richichi

Born in Rome, Italy
Studies: Degree in Physics (1985), PhD in Astronomy (1989).
Fellowships and Post-docs: ESO (1986-1988), Steward (1989-1991), MPIA (1992-1995).
Staff Positions:
Arcetri Astrophysical Observatory (1994-2001)
European Southern Observatory 2000-2012
National Astronomical Research Institute of Thailand 2011-current
Current address:
National Astronomical Research Institute of Thailand
191 Siriphanich Bldg., Huay Kaew Rd., Suthep, Muang
Chiang Mai 50200
Tel +66 (0)53 225569
Fax +66 (0)53 225524
E-mail: andrea AT narit DOT or DOT th (remove "x" from "xarichich").